1. Syntax and Semantics
Recall that the syntax of pure $\lambda$-calculus formally defined as follows
Definition. Basic on this, we can define simple typed lambda calculus (STLC). The biggest difference is that we now have two inductively defined expressions: terms and types.
- $():\unit$
- $\lambda x:\tau. e$ is a function that takes one input of type $\tau$ and evaluates $e$.
By convention, the function arrow is right-associative, so $\t_1\to\t_2\to\t_3$ is the same as $\t_1\to(\t_2\to\t_3)$. This convention matches left-associative function application.
The operational semantics of this language is unchanged from CBV-calculus, counting $()$ as a value which has no reduction rule. That is, we have the following definitions.
Definition. Values in STLC
Definition. Evaluation Contexts of STLC
Definition. Reduction Rules of STLC
One other small change is that the presence of $()$ means there are now closed -terms can get stuck. For example
is a perfectly good closed $\lambda$-term that is also stuck. We would like to eliminate these, and the type system will allow us to do so.