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1. Pure $\lambda$-calculus
Definition. we know that pure $\lambda$-calculus formally defined as follows
$$e:= x\mid \lambda x. e\mid e_1\ e_2
Definition. A $\lambda$ term $e$ is called closed if $\fv (e)=\emptyset$
2. Evaluation Contexts
2.1. Call by Value
In CBV $\lambda$-calculus, a value is defined as
$$v:=\lambda x.e
The small step-operational semantics of CBV $\lambda$-calculus is defines as
$$\frac{}{(\lambda x.e)v\to e[x\mapsto v]}\\
\frac{e_1\to e_1'}{e_1\ e_2\to e_1'\ e_2}\\
\frac{e_2\to e_2'}{v\ e_2\to v\ e_2'}
2.2. Call by Name
2.3. Evaluation Context
We have seen three different semantics (normal order, CBV applicative order, CBN applicative order) for $\lambda$-calculus, and they all have a similar structure: one rule that defines $\beta$-reduction, and other rules simply specify the order in which the $\beta$-reductions can be performed. Small-step operational semantics always have this distinction, and in fact we can split rules into two classes,
- reduction rule, which describe the actual computational steps; and
- evaluation order rules, which constrain the choice of reductions that can be performed next.