1. Euclidean Domains
Definition. Euclidean (integral) domain
An integral domain $D$ is called Euclidean, if there is a map $v$ called the Euclidean function
such that
such that either $r = 0$ or $v(r) < v(b)$. The process of finding such $q$ and $r$ is called division with remainder and $v$ is called the Euclidean function.
- $\Z$ is an Euclidean domain with $v:n\mapsto |n|$
- The Gaussian integer ring $\Z[i] = \{a + bi \mid a, b ∈ \Z\} \subset \C$ is an Euclidean domain with Euclidean function $z\mapsto \|z\|^2$
- (long division) The polynomial ring $R=\R[x]$ is an Euclidean domain with Euclidean function defined as $f\mapsto \deg(f)$
Theorem. Let $D$ be an Euclidean domain, then any ideal $I$ of $D$ can be written as
for some $a\in I$.
Pf. Suppose $v$ is the Euclidean function of $D$.
- If $I=\{0\}$, then $I=\{r0\mid r\in R\}$
- Otherwise let $a=\argmin_{r\in R}v(r)$. Since $D$ is an Euclidean domain, $\forall b\in I. b=ca+r$ and $r\in R$, this indicates
Definition. Principal ideal (主理想)
An ideal generated by a single element $a\in R$ is called a principal ideal. Denoted by $(a)$. Here $a$
is called the generator of this ideal.
If the generator exists, it’s unique up to a unit factor ($2$ and $-2$ are both generate $\Z$)
Note. Given a ring $R$,
- If $I$ is a principal ideal of $R$, then $I$ is of the form $\{ra\mid r\in R\}$. This is because $I$ is a ideal and $I$ is a principal ideal. So every principal ideal has a generator.
- Given any arbitrary $a\in R$, $\{ra\mid r\in R\}$ is not necessarily a ideal. But as long as it’s an ideal, it’s then a principal ideal.
- If $R$ is a commutative ring, given any $a\in R$, we have $Ra:=\{ra\mid r\in R\}$ is a principal ideal.
Definition. Principal ideal domain (PID)
An integral domain whose every ideal is principal is called a principal ideal domain (PID).
Definition. Greatest common divisor
Let $D$ be an PID. Given $a, b\in D$, the generator of $(a,b)=\{ra+sb\mid r,s\in D\}$ is called the greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$, denoted by $\gcd(a,b)$.
Why is gcd well defined? we know $(a)$ and $(b)$ are of the form
Consider $(a, b)=\{ra+sb\mid r,s\in D\}$. Since $(a, b)$ is the sum of two ideals, we know its then a new ideal. Since $D$ is a PID, so $(a,b)$ is principal, so it should have a generator $c$ such that
Note. (Foote, Dummit, P274 Definition) another definition of $\gcd$.
We should know that the concept of $\gcd$ is not limited to PID. If $R$ is a commutative ring with identity, $a, b\in R$, $b\neq 0$, then
- $a$ is said to be a multiple of $b$ if there exists an element $x\in R$ such that $a=bx$. In this case we say $b$ is a divisor of $a$ or $b$ divides $a$, denoted by $b\mid a$.
- The greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$, denoted by $\gcd(a,b)$, is a nonzero element $d$ such that
- $d\mid a$ and $d\ mid b$
- If $d'\mid a$ and $d'\mid b$ then $d'\mid d$
Note. Any Euclidean domain is a PID.
Example. There are some integral domains that are not PIDs. Consider $R=\Z[x]$ as the polynomial ring with integral coefficients, it could then be proved that
is not a PID. (prove by contradiction, discuss $\deg h$ for $h\in (x,2)$)
Theorem. Bezout’s theorem.
Let $D$ be a PID. $c=\gcd(a,b)$ iff there exists $t,s,m,n\in D$ such that $c=ta+sb$, $a=mc$ and $b=nc$.
The question of finding such $t,s,m,n$ is called Bezout’s problem.
Algorithm. Euclidean’s algorithm

An example of this algorithm on $\Z$ implemented using Python is as follows
1 | import sys |
Definition. Coprime of two ideals
Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity $\1$. We say two ideals $I$ and $J$ are coprime, if
We say two elements $a,b\in R$ are coprime if the ideals $(a)$ and $(b)$ are coprime.
2. Unique Factorization
Definition. Prime
An element $p\in R$ where $R$ is a ring is called a prime if $(p)$ is a prime ideal
Another classical definition of prime (shown in hw) is that
In a commutative ring $R$ with identity, an element $p$ is said to be a prime if $p\mid ab\implies p\mid a$ or $p\mid b$. Here, the “$\mid$” notation means: $a\mid b$ iff there exists $r\in R$ s.t. $b=ra$.
Definition. Several definitions regarding primes
Let $R$ be an integral domain,
- If $r\in R$ is nonzero and not a unit. If $r=ab$ for some $a, b\in R$, at least one of $a$ and $b$ must be a unit in $R$, $r$ is said to be irreducible. Otherwise $r$ is said to be reducible.
- Two elements $a,b\in R$ differing by a unit are said to be associate in $R$ (i.e. $a=ub$ for some unit $u\in R$).
Theorem. (Dummit Prop 8.3.10) In an integral domain, any prime is irreducible.
Definition. Unique factorization domain
An integral domain $D$ is said to have a unique factorization (UFD) if for any non-zero element $x\in D$, either $x$ is a unit or there are primes $p_1, p_2,\ldots,p_r$ such that
This is called a prime factorization. Moreover, if another prime factorization exists, say
- $r=s$, and
- after relabeling, there are units $u_i$ such that $p_i=u_iq_i$ ($p_i$ and $q_i$ are associate for each $i$)
- $\Z$ is a UFD ($6=2\times 3=(-2)\times (-3)$)
- Gaussian integer ring $\Z[i]$ is a UFD
- $\Q[x]$, the set of all polynomials with rational coefficients, is a UFD
Theorem. Any Euclidean domain is UFD
In particular, Euclidean domain $\subset$ PID $\subset$ UFD
Theorem. (Dummit Prop 8.3.12) In an UFD, a nonzero element is a prime iff it’s irreducible.
This theorem is so good that we can use the fact that a prime is irreducible in UFD.
3. Chinese Remainder Theorem
Theorem. Chinese Remainder Theorem
Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identities, $I_1, I_2,\ldots, I_n$ are ideals of $R$ that are pairwise coprime. Then the map
is surjective.